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USI's COVID-19 Test Kit Vending Machine, as seen on 60 Minutes, safely provides students with self-administered COVID-19 testing kits allowing school administrators to track the health of their students and to easily conduct contact-tracing, in the case of a positive COVID-19 test.

Contact us today to see how we can help you provide a safer campus for your students.

COVID-19 Test Kit Vending Machine Features

Custom Graphics (Optional)

Promote your test kits on campus with an eye-catching graphic wrap. Each wrap is customizable, with the help of USI's marketing team.

UVend Technology (Optional)

Quickly and safely sanitize the machine's high-touch surfaces with UVC light sanitization technology that kills up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria.

Card Reader Interface (Optional)

With our card reader interface, students and staff have the ability to utilize their student IDs or campus cards in order to verify a user's credentials.

COVID-19 Test Kit Vending Machine

The COVID-19 Test Kit Vending Machine by U-Select-It offers a seamless, humanless transaction for a more convenient and safer COVID-19 testing process. Place these easy-to-use machines in residence halls, dining areas or other campus buildings for "can't miss" access.

To receive a test kit, students or staff simply make the selection via the user interface keypad or optional 10.1" touchscreen on the machine. Once the user completes the self-administered test, the user can return their test kit to one of the designated drop locations on campus.

UVend Technology provides a safer vending experience for students by sanitizing high-touch areas - the machine's keypad and delivery door.

In fact, Iowa State University verified UVend to be up to 99.9% effective in killing or inactivating the most common viruses and bacteria, including the COVID-19 virus.